Interview with Alper AYDINALP as part of the 46th general assembly of FANAF where SENRE was present as a partner and sponsor.Mr. Alper AYDINALP, reinsurance broker tells us about his relationship with the African reinsurance markets (FANAF) and in particular...
- August 9, 2022
- 1 Min Read
At SENRE, we have put Human Capital at the heart of our Corporate Strategy. That is why we have developed a dynamic work environment which encourages our employees to constantly meet new challenges all the time. The numerous projects designed...
- June 26, 2020
- 1 Min Read
BRANCHES CHIFFRE D’AFFAIRES PAR BRANCHE FIRE ENERGY, ENGINEERING 6 841 768 150,09 MARINE & AVIATION 1 447 551 015,32 OTHER DAMAGE RISKS 7 106 353 112,95 LIFE 1 033 416 886,41 TOTAL 16 429 089 164,77
- June 26, 2020
- 1 Min Read
ZONES SALES BY ZONE WEST AFRICA 13 342 311 344 CENTRAL AFRICA 423 419 940 NORTH AFRICA MENA ZONE 1 425 673 577 OTHER AREAS 1 237 684 304 TOTAL 16 429 089 165
- June 26, 2020
- 1 Min Read
- June 26, 2020
- 0 Min Read
Global capacities by branch : “DOMESTIC” FIRE AND RELATED RISKS 25 000 000 000 TECHNICAL RISKS 25 000 000 000 MISCELLANEOUS RISKS 8 000 000 000 CREDIT CAUTION 3 500 000 000 GLOBAL BANK 3 500 000 000 MARINE BODY AND FACULTIES 5 000 000 000 CR MARINE 3 500 000 000 Global capacities by branch : “CIMA ZONE” FIRE AND...
- June 26, 2020
- 1 Min Read